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WLFS Secondary

The Knowledge Schools Trust

We aim to provide children with a classical liberal education, regardless of background or ability.

Further Mathematics

About the Course

For those students who have already chosen to study Mathematics at A-level, but want more, we offer Further Mathematics. 

 In the mandatory Core Pure module, you will be introduced to and become familiar with imaginary and complex numbers, and explore some of their applications.  You will build on your knowledge of quadratics to attack solutions of cubic and quartic equations, and be introduced to the world of matrices and polar co-ordinates.  Your knowledge and use of vectors to define and solve geometric problems will be significantly extended.  You will build on a knowledge of Calculus to consider how an understanding of rates of change can be used to solve problems using differential equation.  In the Mechanics course, you will extend your knowledge of mechanics introduced in the Mathematics A-level, considering concepts such as work, energy and power, momentum and impulse, circular motion, Hooke’s law, and how to find the centre of mass of a body precisely.  Numerical Methods is a course which will introduce you to methods of solving equations, differentiating and integrating functions, and approximating functions using numerical and technical, rather than analytical methods, and you will see different approaches to modelling and solving problems in the world around us. 


Further Mathematics is a fantastic course, designed perhaps for those who wish to study Mathematics at university in mind, but nonetheless a wonderful mix of subjects and topics which will capture your imagination and develop your thinking.  As mentioned above, it is only available as an option for students already sitting A-level Mathematics.  To ensure success in the course, we require students wishing to take Further Mathematics to have achieved an 8 or 9 at GCSE level.

Examination Board

OCR (MEI) H645

Course Structure

  • The qualification comprises one mandatory Core Pure paper and then a combination of optional papers:

    • Core Pure content

    • Major options

      • Mechanics Major (Y421)1

      • Statistics Major (Y422)1

    • Minor options

      • Mechanics Minor (Y431)2

      • Statistics Minor (Y432)2

      • Modelling with Algorithms (Y433)2

      • Numerical Methods (Y434)2

      • Extra Pure (Y435)

      • Further Pure with Technology
